Memo for October 21
The first in a twice-a-week updates, looking back, looking ahead, but mostly looking Up.
Before we get into yesterday, please don’t forget to pray our prayers of the week and to reach out to our members. If you don’t have their contact, ask someone for it.
If You Missed
Speaking of Sunday…
Yesterday we looked at Revelation 15-16. These chapters give us a powerful glimpse into God’s ultimate judgment, and it’s important that we don’t rush past the weight of what they reveal.
While we may think we get angry about sin, the reality is that we don’t get angry enough. God’s holiness is so perfect that the sins of this world deserve His complete and total judgment. Revelation shows us that when He brings about His final wrath, it will be severe, and yet completely just.
So what do we do in light of this passage?
Fear the Lord and be moved to action.
For those who do not follow Christ, Revelation gives us a clear warning. If you haven’t surrendered your life to Him, now is the time. And for those of us who know people who don’t yet know Jesus—friends, family, neighbors—let this stir our hearts to pray and share the gospel with urgency. We must fear for their souls and act in love.
Please take time this week to reflect on these questions and seek the Lord’s guidance in how to reach those He’s placed in your life.
Our family did this last week and came up with 40 names that we are now praying for and looking for ways to connect with these people.
Is there anyone in my immediate family who hasn't surrendered their life to Christ?
Is there anyone in my extended family?
Who out of my friends are lost?
Who are my neighbors? Am I sure each of them know Jesus?
What about my coworkers?
Is there anyone I see regularly enough where we know each others’ names? Am I positive they know Christ?
Please pray through our prayers of the week. Reach out to these families to let them know you did.
Prayer Request
For Our Church: 100 Guests & 7 Salvations
Members: Michael Paul & Tyler Paul & Katie Perkins
For Our Community: First Baptist Church and Eureka Church
For Our Nation: Tyler Ballard, Vermont
For Our World: Uyghur
Worship Opportunities
We would love to involve more members during our Sunday Service. These are the ways you can get involved:
Read a Scripture
Pray for the sermon (for enlightenment)
Pray the prayer of thanksgiving
Help create a sermon or announcement slides
Fill the worship bags for kids
Record the sermon
More…If you have something else in mind, just ask!
Bus Cover Sale: As voted on at the last Members Meeting, we will take bids from Pleasant View members for the sale of the bus cover at the October Members Meeting (October 27th). The church voted to reserve the right to refuse all bids. If there is a tie for highest bid, we will retake bids during the meeting.
We will have a soup fellowship afterward.
Prayer Walk: November 3 at 5pm. We will meet at Mt Zion Elementary for a prayer walk over the school.
Giving Online
You can now give to the church online, and it is really simple. Just go to our website: and in the top bar click Give. Enter your information with a secure service that many churches use and trust. You can set it to recur every week, every other, or every month.